Mental Health Counseling. Regardless of Ability to Pay.

Supervised by staff and faculty supervisors, our clinical interns can provide the healing support you need.

Reach out today

What is The McClerren Group Institute?

The McClerren Group Institute is a division of The McClerren Group specifically focused on giving back to the Washington D.C. by:

  • providing space and supervision to train the next generation of mental health therapists and
  • providing access to low-cost mental health counseling services to those in need of financial assistance.

How does it work?

Graduate students in their final year of study are required to complete a clinical internship in which they begin providing mental health counseling services under the supervision of staff and faculty supervisors.

For the past two years, we have partnered with graduate schools around the country by providing internship opportunities for these graduate students.

These clinicians then join our team for a season. They are given office space, supervision, and begin collaborating with our established clinical staff to provide client services. During their tenure, they offer sessions at a considerably reduced fee, ensuring accessible mental health care for a wider range of clients.

How do I know if a McClerren Group Institute therapist is right for me?​

A key factor to consider is affordability. The cost of therapy can present a significant obstacle in accessing the care you need. It can be challenging to locate a therapist who accepts your insurance, and out-of-network fees can be prohibitive for many. If you’re considering pursuing therapy, but you are concerned that finances might be an issue, working with a McClerren Group Institute therapist may be an ideal solution.

If you would prefer to work with our most seasoned professionals and budgetary concerns are not a primary consideration for you, you might prefer to request an appointment through our main website here.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Session rates start at $90 per session and slide down to as low as $10 per session.

Most importantly, our goal is that no one is turned away based on their ability to pay. If you are concerned about cost, please contact us.

Appointments are available to everyone at $90 per session.

Reduced rates, sometimes also referred to as a sliding fee scale, are based on household size and income. You can find a copy of our sliding scale application as well as most recent fee scale by clicking here.

Our clinical interns are able work with almost all of the same clients and presenting issues as the rest of our clinical staff. Just like in any other clinical setting, if at any point the situation extends beyond your provider’s scope of practice, we will notify you and work together to make any necessary arrangements.

Are you interested in learning more about The McClerren Group? Click here to visit our main website.

Are you a graduate student interested in pursuing your practicum or internship with The McClerren Group Institute? Click here to start the conversation!

Take the first step today.